Strength in numbers or folie a plusieurs?

Sunday 24 January 2010

Lots of group running this week: there was a training night at GSTT on Tuesday - a lovely 6ish mile scenic run along the Thames and back - and then a club run of 7 miles on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I was knackered after running the day before, had stomach cramps for the last six miles and then pulled a muscle during the last mile!

I then got talked into doing hill repeats on Saturday morning. It wasn't as horrendous as I'd feared although JT did go easy on me, letting me start further up the hill and have a head start. I came home feeling rather pleased with myself but expecting to feel the pain on Sunday. What I didn't expect was for both my shins to have swollen up before I went to bed. I had "cankles" that could give the grannies in the Post Office a run for their money!

I had debated missing the GSTT training afternoon but was lured by the temptation of a free leg massage. After going out on a slow 8 mile run, we were then told that the person doing the massage had back out - what a disappointment!

My plan to be brave and start going to the track sessions may have to be delayed for a week. Fingers crossed the trusty frozen peas will work their magic soon :-)

90 days until the marathon!


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