With my next trip to the physio scheduled for tomorrow, I'm reminded of what he said at my last visit: that I was ok after doing 9 miles but if I'd done 12 or 13 it would have been a different story. This was very similar to what the physio leading an injury prevention workshop at SMUC said the week before - that people are ok until they get to 13 miles then they start getting injured.
I wonder why this is. Does something happen to the body after 13 miles of running? Is this some kind of 'natural limit' for most people? Or is getting to a long run of 13 miles an indicator of the weekly mileage reaching some threshold where people are overtraining relative to the strength and conditioning of their muscles (and body more generally)?
I felt pretty bad by the end of my recent 13 mile run. By 11 miles everything hurt, I was tired and getting miserable. Luckily the next week's long run dropped down to 10 miles providing a welcome rest for my legs before building up to 14 and then 15 miles. By comparison, I felt much better at the end of these runs, maybe because I tried different trainer/orthotic combinations. Or maybe my legs are getting stronger? Last weekend, I was lucky enough to have some company for the last 9 miles, which definitely helped :-)
At least I'm getting up to distances where I can justify munching a few jelly babies towards the end (yummy!). 17 miles this weekend ...

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