Brace yourself: this is going to hurt ...

Tuesday 11 May 2010

And it did! I had my first appointment with my new physio last Wednesday and it was well worth the extra money. After a very thorough assessment, it turns out that:
1- I have a collapsed arch in my right foot and use my toes muscles to lift my foot, which is why my shins are sore and I have a "mashed shin" (his words!)
2 - I have a "back like an ironing board" (again not my words!) causing me to run with my pelvis forward and bum sticking out (like a duck, apparently) so that instead of using my glutes, I overload my hamstrings
3- The hip muscle in my right thigh doesn't work properly so my hip pops in and out of the socket and I overuse the muscle on the outer thigh (which is causing the pain in my leg)
4- My feeling of running lopsided is caused by me leaning to one side and "hip hitching" when I lift my left leg.
5- My trainers are completely wrong for my feet (damn Decathlon "gait analysis"!)

The good news? "None of this is life-threatening". Well, I could have worked that one out myself!
The solution: manipulation on my back (still aching from that bone-cracking!), sports massage on my hip (v painful), various stretches and exercises to do at home (to replace the ones given by my first physio), and some new trainers. Oh, and it helped that the physio was rather attractive :-)


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