Turns out my lovely new trainers have caused me to develop 'bilateral achilles tendinopathy', which translates as pain at the bottom of both my calves. My physio seemed rather exasperated at how I'd managed to develop another problem since my last visit (in addition to getting hit by a bus last week and having my arm bandaged from an unrelated incident!). I'm reluctant to buy another new pair and am hoping that with a bit of self-massage, they might settle down ...
On a more positive note, my hamstring problem is getting better and I've been given a more fun exercise to get my glutes working - walking upstairs two at a time, very slowly. Seeing as I live in a ground floor flat this means doing the exercise at work so I'm preparing myself to get some odd looks from colleagues over the coming weeks!
I wonder if some people really are just more injury prone? If I didn't love running so much - and wasn't raising money for GSTT charity - I think I might have opted for the easy option and given up. But I haven't so I'll keep plodding on :-)