Technically, I suppose the title should actually be "on track" since this was my first ever track session! After being in the running club for six months, I finally plucked up the courage to try out the Friday track session at Dulwich College track. Imagine my horror when I got to the track to find hurdles set up! Fortunately, they were from a previous session otherwise I might have cried!
I actually enjoyed the session - a pyramid of 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m. Luckily - especially with the intense heat - the coach went easy on the slower of us and so we stayed at 300m. My brain appears not to engaging my butt still as my hamstrings were pretty sore afterwards.
I'm also enjoying my fab new trainers - well worth the trip to Victoria where the lovely staff did video gait analysis and brought out pair after pair of trainers until they found the perfect fit.